The thoughts and insights of a Flossy Freelancer.
From marketing insight to small business advice to personal experience. My mind in font size 12!

DIY Social Media: Top 5!

3 Tips for Small Business Social Media Strategy

For the Love of Freelance
Running a business, whether large or small, is all consuming. From the beginning, in fact especially at the beginning, you are in control of all departments; you are responsible for the marketing, the sales, the content, the correspondence, the planning, the finances, and of course the official service you provide too.

Manners cost nothing
In business, the experience of a customer, client or potential relationship is everything. If you have a great product, yet the customer service is atrocious, things will be said and sales will be affected. It’s inevitable.

Flossy Features
In a nutshell, Flossy Notes, Flossy as I like to call it, covers all content needs for small businesses. Writing isn’t always someone’s favourite thing to do; it can be difficult to get your thoughts across in the style you’d like, it takes time to create something you’re happy with, and just because you’re an entrepreneur, doesn’t mean you’re excellent at all aspects of running a business.